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Chetna Residence



A residence is the personality and an expression of the lifestyle of its occupants. When you step into a home you are stepping into a space that is carved out of love, passion and a lot of other emotions that give the space a sense of belonging and creation of safe haven. Chetna is one such home designed to reflect the ideology and philosophy of the Raturi family.

Area:-  3000 Sqft

Choice of Materials :-  Exposed Brick Wall, Lime, Shuttered Debris wall, Mud, Filler Pots


Blurring the boundaries between built and unbuilt, Chetna Residence in Dehradun is a thoughtfully designed dwelling with each space blending into the other. The material palette involving shuttered debris, bricks, bamboo and natural stone lends a remarkable character to the abode while also keeping it exquisitely elegant. Every niche and crevice of Chetna has a story to tell, a personality of its own.

There are innumerable features of Chetna that sets living in this place, apart from any experience ever had before. Features of Chetna such as slit walls and stairs infused roof leading to the terrace results in a playful tango of light and shadow, transforming and changing with the seasons and lending a dynamic quality to the residence. This residence is also equipped with rainwater harvesting and solar energy harvesting features which greatly reduces the detrimental effects on the environment and allows the home to be partially self sufficient to a large extent. 

The humble yet unique form of Chetna allows it to create a strong sense of identity unique to itself. The dwelling excels in nurturing a cosy environment for its occupants while being ecologically and economically sustainable.

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